Kada je Matias Fiegl kao student, na ulicama Praga kupio mali ruski fotoaparat marke LOMO LC-A nije mogao ni da
pretpostavi da će to biti početak nečega mnogo većeg… On i njegov prijatelj Volfgang Štranciger su 1991. godine poželeli zabeleže atmosferu svojih studentskih provoda upravo na toj maloj ruskoj zagonetnoj kameri.
Rezultat je bio živopisan, efektan i bajkovit, a osim fotografija razvila se i nova vrsta fotografske umetnosti zvana lomografija. Za LOMO fotoaparat prvo su se zainteresovali njihovi prijatelji, a ubrzo su im se priključili i drugi koji su bili oduševljeni rezultatima. Gradom je zavladala prava LOMO groznica, pa su Matias i Volfgang došli na ideju da organizuju izložbu koja bi se zasnivala na LOMO fotografijama.
Ipak, pre svega morali su osnovati LOMO zajednicu koju su finansirali naplaćivanjem članarina u obliku fotoaparata. Uskoro je postao problem švercovati aparate iz Rusije, pa su morali da potraže neko drugo rešenje. Put u Rusiju doveo ih je do fabrike gde su se proizvodili LOMO aparati i sa čijim su vlasnikom kasnije započeli saradnju. Problem je bio u tome što je baš tada proizvodnja LOMO fotoaparata trebala da bude obustavljena, jer je potražnja bila slaba, a proizvođaču se nije isplatilo da prodaje fotoaparat po ceni manjoj od proizvodne. Nakon niza potezanja i pregovaranja bečkih lomografa i Rusa, čelnici fabrike LOMO odlučili su da nastave proizvodnju. Veliku ulogu u tome imao je tadašnji zamenik gradonačelnika Sankt Peterburga, kum lomografije – Vladimir Putin. Tako su, preko trnja do zvezda, očevi Lomografije postali glavni distributeri LOMO-LC fotoaparata u celom svetu.
When Matthias Fiegl bought a small Russian LOMO LC-A camera on the streets of Prague as a student, he could not have imagined that it would be the beginning of something much bigger. right on that little Russian enigmatic camera.
The result was vivid, effective and fabulous, and in addition to photography, a new type of photographic art called lomography was developed. Their friends first became interested in the LOMO camera, and were soon joined by others who were delighted with the results. The city was gripped by a real LOMO fever, so Matias and Wolfgang came up with the idea to organize an exhibition based on LOMO photographs.
However, first of all, they had to establish a LOMO community, which they financed by charging membership fees in the form of cameras. It soon became a problem to smuggle devices from Russia, so they had to look for another solution. The trip to Russia brought them to the factory where LOMO devices were produced and with whose owner they later started cooperation. The problem was that just then the production of LOMO cameras should have been stopped, because the demand was weak, and it did not pay off for the manufacturer to sell the camera at a price lower than the production one. After a series of moves and negotiations between the Viennese lomographers and the Russians, the leaders of the LOMO factory decided to continue production. The then deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, the godfather of lomography - Vladimir Putin, played a big role in that. Thus, through the thorns to the stars,the fathers of Lomography became major distributors of LOMO-LC cameras worldwide.